The origin and grade of the raw ingredients that go into our products is extremely important. We check our suppliers’ ethical codes on ingredient sourcing to make sure they are fair to planet and people and in line with our company ethos. Most of our materials are organic-grade as we believe it’s the only future for a sustainable, healthy world, and goes hand-in-hand with fairer trading conditions for producers. After 15 years in business, we know how our ingredients should look, smell and feel. If we sense that an incoming batch isn’t as it should be, then it simply doesn’t make the grade.


The origin and grade of the raw ingredients that go into our products is extremely important. We check our suppliers’ ethical codes on ingredient sourcing to make sure they are fair to planet and people and in line with our company ethos. Most of our materials are organic-grade as we believe it’s the only future for a sustainable, healthy world, and goes hand-in-hand with fairer trading conditions for producers. After 15 years in business, we know how our ingredients should look, smell and feel. If we sense that an incoming batch isn’t as it should be, then it simply doesn’t make the grade.
Despite all the best efforts of industry and government to soft-soap the effects of plastic pollution, it just simply isn’t ok. The world is awash with plastic, even if it’s not on our doorstep. We consider the waste we generate as a significant sustainability marker - from the minute we order raw materials, to our finished goods leaving the workshop, and beyond; to how sustainably the packaging we give to our customers can be responsibly disposed of. We purchase in bulk to reduce multiple packaging, we request our materials unpackaged if possible, or we buy in packaging that has a real and reliable recycle chain - steel, aluminium, cardboard or glass. Within our workshop, we store, wrap and package our products and orders using cardboard, recycled/FSC paper, paper tape and vegetable ink. Comparative to our production output, we generate very little waste and constantly challenge ourselves to reduce further. Thanks to a lean manufacturing project supported by our Local Enterprise Board, we have also managed to reduce mistakes within our production that ultimately lead to waste, and to find creative ways to use the ‘perfectly imperfect’ product, off-cuts, slices and slivers.

Our predominant power source is our hands. We have resisted the temptation, advice and pressure to modernise and mechanise. What is ‘hand-made’ but to be made by hand. We use very little energy to power our significant output. We feel rewarded in our days’ work and relish the cup of tea that tastes so good once the work is done.
Businesses plays an important part in the fabric of local community & economy, and beyond our nation. The Donegal Natural Soap Company strives to support local events, organisations and charities, as well as international NGOs in times of crises. Sometimes the requests can be greater than our ability as a small business, but we will always strive to help.

The problem lies in its high yield and capability for mass-production, which has turned it into a versatile commodity with a very high environmental price. Its production has caused the burning of billions of hectares of virgin rainforests, the release of sequestered carbon into our atmosphere, causing serious health problems to local residents, and utterly decimated flora and fauna. Palm oil hides in many raw ingredients and has various names.

The Donegal Natural Soap Company has always tried to tread softly and make a product with as low an impact as possible. One of the founding principles was to be ‘Palm Oil’ Free. Palm oil itself is not the problem; it has been used in indigenous communities and is an excellent ingredient.
Our company does not seek ‘best product awards’ (these come from our customers), but we instead focus on accreditation that matters. In 2018 we were delighted to become the 1st company in Ireland to be Palm Oil Free Certified.

Our company does not seek ‘best product awards’ (these come from our customers), but we instead focus on accreditation that matters. In 2018 we were delighted to become the 1st company in Ireland to be Palm Oil Free Certified.
The problem lies in its high yield and capability for mass-production, which has turned it into a versatile commodity with a very high environmental price. Its production has caused the burning of billions of hectares of virgin rainforests, the release of sequestered carbon into our atmosphere, causing serious health problems to local residents, and utterly decimated flora and fauna. Palm oil hides in many raw ingredients and has various names.
The Donegal Natural Soap Company has always tried to tread softly and make a product with as low an impact as possible. One of the founding principles was to be ‘Palm Oil’ Free. Palm oil itself is not the problem; it has been used in indigenous communities and is an excellent ingredient.

We firmly believe in the necessity of protecting and increasing the natural environment in which we live. The rights of nature to exist and flourish as it should; to be a diverse, balanced and thriving environment that greatly adds to our wellbeing and supports our future. We are entirely dependent on healthy soil, clean air, and fresh water and all other life that exists alongside us. We believe that the degradation and destruction of the natural world would make for a very poor life for us, if any life at all! In 2022, we planted a 0.3acre woodland of native trees and a wildlife pond. Despite the setback of resident deer, the woodland is getting there, and the pond is alive with frogs, water beetles, damselflies, hawkers, birds and midges (a natural people-repellent!). These re-wilding projects would not have come to fruition without the wisdom and graft of Peter, an invaluable member of team.