Donegal Socks | Bramble
Bramble. Briar. Blackberry. A gift and a torture. Gardeners tackle their voracious thorny tentacles that spread over and strangle other plants. Children and adults love their blackberry fruits for jams, pies and syrups. Blackberry wine even.
Despite their thorny reputation, the bramble has many beautiful phases. The flowers are small and often over-looked but they are one of the prettiest - ranging from white to pink with a central floret of delicate feathery stamens. In Autumn, the emerging blackberries change from green to wine to ripened black. The leaves also turn a beautiful rich burgundy that catches your eye as you pass.
Our Bramble Wool Socks are gorgeous and look stylish drawn over a pair of jeans and inside a good sturdy pair of hiking boots or half-wellington. Practical and chic.
Available in two sizes.